Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Move On, Norm

With all the excitement of the election, it is both embarrassing and irritating that Minnesota still has an empty senate seat. This fight has gone on long enough and Al Franken deserves to take his rightful spot.

In a great move today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that they were going to try and seat Franken:
"We're going to try to seat Al Franken," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told reporters on Wednesday, a few hours before he posed with Franken for photos just off the Senate floor. "There's not a question in anyone's mind, an assertion by anyone, that there's been any fraud or wrongdoing in this election."
They too see how ridiculous Norm Coleman is for dragging this out. Isn't it funny how he told Franken to concede before the recount was done, but now that it is done he is whining that there was fraudulence? This was a legal recount, and Coleman lost.

Move on Norm, and grow up. Minnesota needs Al Franken as our senator. He has worked long and hard for this position. It is unfair that this is being dragged on even more, and for one reason only - because you are being a sore loser.

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