Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hiawatha Yoga

A friend of mine just recently opened up her own yoga studio in Minneapolis. What is cool about this studio is that the caption "yoga and wellness for every body" is actually true. Some studios can be a bit pretentious and can scare people away who aren't as flexible or as skinny or as perfectly posed. The point of this place is that you can learn to be more flexible and be healthier. Yoga is a unique exercise in that it is good for you physically, spiritually, and mentally.

Coming from many years of "I have to work out with weights and swim laps to be in shape," I'm learning that practicing Yoga does a lot for your health. I'm also learning it has been shown to improve balance, and make for a sleeker, more toned body. As Sue, the owner, states "I have really seen a difference in the people who have been practicing with me for a couple of months." Her classes are small, personable, and comfortable - and her prices are reasonable (4 -pack: $36, Drop in: $11).
Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Saturdays: 9:30-10:30 AM
Sundays 4:00-5:00 PM

Intro to Yoga:
Saturdays, 2:00-3:00 PM

Call for 1-1, small group, and yoga parties

Go to hiawathayoga@yahoo.com to register
Yoga and wellness for every body... so maybe you don't have to look perfect when you first walk in the door, but my guess is that - if you stick with it - you will look, and feel, better when you walk out.

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