Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

White Roses in Bloom
Photograph by C.Y. Hunter

The first Mother's Day without Mom.

I've been told that the "firsts" are always hard. I miss her. I think I always knew I had an extra special Mom.

I will light her candle for her today...the one I light on all special occasions now. Seven months after losing her, it still seems rather surreal and very lonely. I have wonderful people in my life: fiance, friends, siblings, and a superb Dad. But, as my mom said for many years after my grandmother died: "You never get over losing your mother."

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Thanks for being such a wonderful, supportive mom. Thanks for all the things you did for me...and for all the other people you helped in your life. You were a giving, positive person who loved people - and really did light up whatever room you were in at the moment. I was amazingly blessed to have such a great woman for a mom. I will never stop missing you - on all special occasions, and every single day in between.

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